This project intends to shine light on a corner of the internet which has remained largely unattended, regardless of its vile and alarming nature. Due to geopolitical conflict and histories of cultural differences, Armenian and Azerbaijani internet users have used the web as a tool for expressing their feelings about the circumstances of their life and country. These expressions also include negative comments about the other culture, which sometimes even tend to be violent in nature.
Regardless of the personal expressions of difference on the web by users, the internet is also being deployed as a tool of misinformation spreading against the Armenian people by the government of Azerbaijan. Websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were a place Armenians around the world could use to connect and communicate with each other across borders, but are now finding their online communities invaded by fake accounts, and nationalist attacks.
This website seeks to provide metaphors for the web experiences that Armenian users might experience during time of war, and otherwise.